Mangrove forests, seagrass meadows, saltwater marshes – these and other ‘blue forests’ are vital to coastal and island communities around the world

Blue Forests Economic Opportunities
Blue forests support a range of nature-based economic opportunities and benefits. When healthy and sustainably managed, these ecosystems can provide revenue from fisheries, recreation, ecotourism, and carbon finance. They also protect shorelines from storms and flooding, protecting coastal property and support biodiversity and cultural heritage. Blue forests can be intrinsically connected with human well-being and the health of related ecosystems, such as coral reefs.
This graphic illustrates how blue forests can support sustainable and resilient communities through a wide range of nature-based blue economy activities. Click on each icon to learn more.

What economic opportunities can be derived from
blue forests?

Voluntary Carbon Market (VCM)
Coastal blue carbon can be measured and sold as carbon credits on the voluntary carbon market. Community-based blue carbon projects are emerging around the world with the potential to improve economic and environmental conditions, as in Kenya and Madagascar. For more detailed information about the VCM and carbon finance schemes, click "Learn More" below.

Community conservation agreements
Conservation agreements provide financial incentives for individual or group management of coastal ecosystems by paying for the conservation and maintenance of these areas, as in the Gulf of Guayaquil, Ecuador. For more detailed information about conservation agreements and how they can be implemented, click the "learn more" button below.

Market products
Blue forests provide provisioning services, or tangible products that can be sold at markets and used directly. Mangroves can support the production of honey like in Madagascar, while seagrass and kelp can be sustainably cultivated and sold as edible products, crafts and alternative materials.

Sustainable fisheries
Healthy blue forests provide nursery habitats and food for commercially valuable species of fish, crustaceans, and invertebrates. By sustainably managing coastal ecosystems, small-scale aquaculture and fishing industry livelihoods can thrive, as illustrated in Antanimanimbo and Adavadoaka, Madagascar.

Food security
One key ecosystem service derived from healthy blue forests is increased fish stocks. Like in the Gulf of Guayaquil, Ecuador, communities can fish for sustenance and increase local food security in addition to selling seafood products.

Community-based ecotourism
By 2030, it is estimated that marine and coastal tourism will employ 8.6 million people, making it the largest sector of the global ocean economy. Ecotourism not only offers supplemental sources of income for communities, but it can also provide incentive to preserve culturally significant nature areas as has been done in Abu Dhabi, UAE.

Wood products
By creating sustainable wood lots from fast-growing tree species like Casuarina equisetifolia instead of mangrove wood, communities like those in Vanga Bay, Kenya can use and sell alternative sources of timber for fuel and building materials.

The blue forests economy in practice
Highlighting how the value of healthy blue forests can support economic opportunities around the world
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